Monday, May 16, 2011

Don't forget me!!!

After work today, I headed back over to the house to put the second coat of butterscotch paint on the walls in the foyer.  Because it's Robyn's night to work late, I ran by the house to pick up Copper and take him for his afternoon constitution.  As soon as he was done, we loaded up and headed to the house.

...and of course, when I was halfway there, I realized we were out of paint rollers.  This necessitated a side trip to Home Depot to pick up a package of rollers, along with garbage bags and 2 gallons of Killz primer.  Since it was finally starting to get warm (70's), I didn't want to leave Copper in the my black truck so I loaded him up in the cart and brought him with me inside.

He always enjoys riding in the cart in the hardware store and just about always gets a lot of attention.

Once at the house, I made quick work of getting that second coat of paint on the foyer wall.  But first, I wanted to leave a remembrance underneath...

I'm really pleased with the rich colors Robyn chose for the house.  Except for the kitchen, the downstairs is now ready for the new flooring.

I watered the new plants that Tino and Mary planted and was back home in time for a late supper.

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