At least in person.
Once everything was all patched up and sanded it was time for the grey primer. Since we are doing bright red, the grey primer is necessary.
While I was spreading the grey, Robyn was on the porching painting a couple of frames we picked up at Kirklands. The picture is by Patty Ryan of Inukshuk Pass. It's going up on our red walls.
The grey primer is actually an improvement over the dirty, grimey beige that was there before.
The part over where the pantry is temporarily will have to be painted in phase 2.
The red looked even better than the grey primer...
Yes... that really is red. It says so right on the Sherwin-Williams can, "Bright Red." My android phone doesn't take pictures of red well so you'll have to take my word for it. It really does look red in person.
While I was putting up the first coat of red, I saw all of the little bumps in the original plaster job.
So I had to fill them in with a bit of spackling.
It dried while we did a Menard's run...
And a few hours later, Robyn and I had the 2nd and 3rd coats on the walls.
Then it was time to plug some of those extra holes in the floor.
The plug source was a piece of scrap.
I had to widen the holes a bit with a jig saw to get the holes big enough to pound in with a rubber mallet.
Once the Gorilla Glue dries, I fill in the center hole and the crevices with some wood putty. The section that won't be under the pantry will then get the same treatment that I started over where the stove will ultimately be.
Sanded and then cleaned with a TSP substitute. (Real TSP isn't allowed in St. Paul.)
Then painted black with porch and floor paint. This is the first of three coats.
Because it is a minimum of 24 hours before the floor can see light use (with a minimum of 4 hours between coats) and a week before it is fully cured, the floor has to be blocked off from all of the critters.
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