Sunday, April 17, 2011

Gift wrapped....

Yesterday, we got our first piece of mail at the house.  Our insurance policy...

Today we started doing serious prep work for paint.  Robyn and I carried the crown molding out to the garage to store it until we have a truck load of stuff to haul to the transfer station.  While Robyn was cleaning the built-in linen cabinets in the upstairs hallway, I took down the ceiling fan, hauled it out to the garage and then started taping the molding and windows and doors in the dining room.

It was like wrapping Christmas presents for everyone... hours and hours of taping paper around and over stuff.  And I'm almost as neat doing this as wrapping Christmas gifts.  Thank goodness for the tape machine that put a strip of masking tape on the edge of the 12" paper.

Robyn came along behind me and taped the bottom of the masking paper to the bottom of the plate shelf.  Thank goodness this is our most difficult room to mask because it took hours.

We also finally got rid of the three radiators that were left behind in the house. (Someone had saws-alled them but left these three behind.)  I'd put them up on Craigslist and someone took them away for a good price... free!!!  He's planning on using them in a duplex that he is rehabbing so I'm glad they're going to be reused rather than scrapped.

Heavy cast iron, the two upstairs were difficult to get downstairs and out.  But the one downstairs was a BEAST!!!  The heaviest thing I'd lifted since me and my cousin Charles had moved my grandmother's wood stove.  And nearly as difficult to move as the armoire I helped move out of Pat's and Bruce's house.

Thank goodness Joel and Sue had stopped by to chat and see the house.  Joel was drafted as manual labor to help tote the things downstairs and outside.  The guy taking them put the two small ones in the back of a compact stationwagon and the "BEAST" on a car dolly.  I suspect his front wheels were barely touching the road.

We were hoping to get the dining room primed today but with this little interlude we weren't able to get started.  I'm hoping this part goes quickly using the Wagner sprayer.  Here's a video of the room nearly completely prepped.  Turn your head sideway, apparently my phone doesn't auto-rotate videos...

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