Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Sweets!!!

Today is my sweet love's birthday.  We celebrated by having dinner at Ruby Tuesday... where we had our first date.  (not the one here in Minnesota; the one back in Ohio.)

Robyn further celebrated with another Craigslist find... wicker furniture for the 3 season porch.  I thought the ad showed only three pieces but it was actually four.  Things got a little tight as you can see.

I probably could have put the pads under the furniture in the back of the truck.  However, even though we only had a short distance to travel, I didn't want to risk having one fly out the truck.  Here's the furniture unloaded and on the porch.  Pretty decent stuff for only $100.

The porch is 19' long by 7' wide.  Once I get the scrap pipes off the porch, we'll get things arranged a bit better.

We could also see tremendous progress on the house.  Although I'm still a bit miffed about not being able to install the water heater myself, Ryan with Champion Plumbing did a great job installing the heater.  He brought the heater installation up to code fixing a couple of things I wasn't aware needed fixing.

I even learned a bit about sweating joints (no rude comments!!!).  To say I was generous with solder whenever I sweated a joint would be an understatement.  I figured it was better to have too much than not enough.  I watch Ryan sweat the joints for the pipes going to and from the water heater.  Boy, his joints are neat.  At the very end, he knocked the drip of solder off with his flux brush.  He also told me the rule of thumb was the same amount of solder as the size of the pipe.  For example, if you're soldering a 3/4 inch joint, you should use about 3/4" of solder.  He also said that once the joint starts dripping solder, it's full and you can stop.

Nice tips and I'll probably get the opportunity to practice a bit more.

Jack has also been making good progress on the HVAC system.  He's nearly completed running all the ductwork with just the kitchen and nook area remaining as well as two returns from upstairs.  It's looking good.

Robyn's thinking in the kitchen we'll just box in the junction below and leave the remaining ductwork exposed as an "architectural element."  The other major runs of ductwork are in the living room and we'll box those in.

I think it's a good idea and had actually been thinking the same thing.  What do y'all think?

Jack said he planned on running ductwork to the nook area and asked that I clean out the old garage entranceway.  Can you believe all of this stuff...

Came out of this space...

There are still a couple of tires and maybe some other items back in the old cistern right next to the steps (the wall had been cut out at the bottom of the steps.)  I'm going to eventually replace that OSB with a door; I need that opening to get a washing machine and dryer downstairs.  At about 24" wide and a 90 degree turn, they aren't going to make it down the inside steps.

I finished off the day sorting the recyclable scrap from the crap that will have to be thrown away. 

I'll load the recyclables up in the truck along with the pipes for the old gravity heating system and take it all to a scrap yard.  If I'm lucky, I might get $10.

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